I found a fascinating article the other day that I want to share with you. It was about another miracle that should raise your spirits and confirm your faith in something else. I'm not here to tell you what 'something else' is, but it's out there somewhere with a design we may never fathom.
There is a restaurant in Calexico, California, just across the border from Mexicali, called Las Palmas, where one of the employees discovered a likeness to the Virgin of Guadalupe on the griddle. They have put the griddle in a separate room so that patrons can go in and look at it or pray to it or leave an offering for it. I suppose they had to buy a new griddle for cooking, but I'm sure it has increased their business tenfold. Not only did they get an article published in the LA Times about the phenomenon, but it's been mentioned on many other internet news sites. I'm tempted to go there myself. The Griddle Room is open Wednesday through Sunday for viewing, along with the restaurant, in case you need some faith and sustenance.
It's not the first time people have seen religious personnages or articles in or on weird stuff. I found a Fox News video that mentions Jesus in a pancake, in a dirty sink, on toast, in the clouds, you name it. You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvjGIkl2yDY. We are so easy. . .
And not to be outdone, I have my own relic. Here is a picture of my own Jesus rock in my garden. I have carried this rock around the world with me since I found it on a beach in Saudi Arabia almost 30 years ago. Should I put it up for auction on Ebay? Can you see Jesus in it?
A friend once told me that when you do business in Mexico, one of the most important things you can do is to put up a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe in a public place. It was one of the first items to go in the cafeteria so the employees would feel comfortable eating there. And there it remains until this day, along with a candle and some flowers.
Not long after we moved into our building, we did something else that might seem unusual to most 'gringos.' We invited all the families of the people who were working for us to come to the company one Saturday morning and we had a ceremony to bless the building. We have a Deacon in the Catholic church who came to Mexcali to work with us. He got some holy water and put his purple and white robes on for the occasion. We all followed him throughout the building while he sprinkled the holy water on the walls and in the corners and prayed for our safety and success. I'm still looking for the proof that it worked, but since we can still go to work every day along with our 30+ employees, I have to think that it didn't hurt.